Home Marketing 4 Ways New Brands Can Leave Lasting Impressions

4 Ways New Brands Can Leave Lasting Impressions


When a brand is just starting out it, finding new clients and customers can seem like an uphill battle, especially in competitive industries. After all, most of your competitors are much more established and well-known than your brand, so you’re starting from scratch while also trying to compete with brands that are years in the making. Offering unique products and services while using creative advertising and pricing strategies can help you create your own lane, but even then, you’ll still have to deliver on promises and motivate people to do business with your company again. With that said, here are four ways brands can set themselves apart and be memorable:


1. Use Impressive Labeling

When a company uses unappealing, cheap, or basic looking labeling on their products, that’s perhaps the most obvious indicator that a new brand is brand new. Otherwise, customers would really have no way of knowing that your brand is starting small and growing big. If you can get your aesthetics looking top-notch and provide a product or service that is comparable to your competitors’, few people should even notice that your brand is new. Unfortunately, creating truly professional product labeling is no easy task and it’s an effort that is often botched by business owners who unsuccessfully try to do it themselves. Thus, to ensure optimal results, it’s best to seek the assistance of a proven labeling and marketing firm like Flexo Impressions.

2. Offer Amazing Deals

Everyone loves a good deal. Not just because it saves money once, but because it provides the promise that there may be an opportunity to save money again in the future by shopping with the newly discovered brand at a later date. Plus, a great deal makes for an interesting conversation piece, and a steep discount is more likely to be talked about than a sale that only beats the nearest competitor by a few dollars.

3. Outdo the Competition in Every Way

Beating the competition’s price sometimes isn’t good enough to leave the type of impression you might be after. Instead, you’ll want do a number of things, including keeping the quality of your products and services top-notch. You should be confident that your brand is providing something that gives an excellent value to buyers in a way that is appreciated enough to be shared.

4. Hire the Best Customer Service Reps

Even a company that sells great products has to be friendly to its customers and prospects. Nobody wants to deal with a rude or incompetent service rep, especially if it’s a company that’s just starting to build a reputation for itself. If you want people to remember and recommend your brand, be sure to thoroughly screen and monitor your service reps to make sure they’re providing excellent customer service at all times.

In closing, try to keep in mind that your brand sometimes won’t get a second chance to impress. Once a customer has gone with an alternative, oftentimes they don’t return to the market to compare more providers – they’ve effectively been taken by the competition. Luckily, you can prevent that from happening by heeding the tips above and working to create an inherently impressive brand image.

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