Home Business This is why “going green” is good for the printing business

This is why “going green” is good for the printing business


The term “going green” is not only used to describe the environmental movement but also for companies that are environmentally friendly. A recent study has shown that over 80 percent of consumers have a more positive view of businesses that are environmentally friendly. While this can be an intimidating statistic, it is one that business owners should take seriously and embrace. A green company will not only attract new customers but also increase customer loyalty as well. This article explains exactly why “going green” is good for business and offers some conclusions about its implications.

Saves money

For many small business owners, the expense of going green is one of the biggest obstacles to adopting environmentally-friendly practices. However, some companies are willing to spend extra money on eco-friendly items because they know they will save more later. For example, if a company replaces standard office paper with recycled paper, it may cost more upfront. However, if the company uses more recycled paper than standard paper, it will save money. This is because recycled paper is typically cheaper than standard office paper and using a large quantity of it can result in significant savings for a company.

You can read more about “going green” and how it is impacting the printing business through the link. There’s loads of interesting information about the various sustainable materials available and their applications.

Attracts the right employees

Every company wants the best employees working for it. However, some companies are finding that they can’t attract top talent because they do not have an environmentally-friendly reputation. As more and more people become “greenies”, the competition for attracting the most qualified employees is becoming more intense. Fortunately, companies that promote themselves as environmentally friendly are finding it much easier to attract the brightest minds in their industry.

Improves corporate image

Customers may choose to do business with you for a number of reasons. While some customers are attracted to your products and services, others may be drawn in by your company’s image. It has been proven that companies that promote themselves as environmentally-friendly have a positive impact on their corporate image because many people value the green movement. The right image can also attract more talented employees as well as keep your current employees happy.

Improves performance

In some cases, going green can actually improve a company’s performance. In order to get the most out of every computer system, offices should have them on for no more than eight hours per day. This means that each employee is only productive for half of the workday. However, if employees are empowered to use environmentally-friendly practices, they will only need their computers for four hours a day. This results in more hours of productivity from each employee and ultimately increases the company’s overall performance.


The main takeaway of this article can be summarized by saying that “going green” is good for business. Every company should do its best to reduce energy consumption and promote more sustainable practices among employees. Not only will you save money, attract the right talent and improve your corporate image, but you will also see your performance skyrocket as well.



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